Prayer for the Poor and Hungry


Prayer for the Poor and Hungry
Prayer for the Poor and Hungry

Prayer for the Poor and Hungry is a beautiful prayer for those in need. Surround your neighbors with prayer and open your heart to active help.

Prayer for the Poor and Hungry:

Lord, I love You so much and I want to serve You everyday, do everything to completely change my heart. I desire to show everyone I meet as much Mercy and Christian Love as possible, support everyone in need using my good deeds and deep prayer.

Father, I beg you, take care of all the poor and hungry people in the world, all those whose basic needs cannot be fulfilled. My thoughts are with all those who are hungry, without a roof over their heads, who suffer from loneliness, exclusion and misunderstanding. I think about everyone whom this world does not want to see - please, let the Good Angels send my Love to them, let them assure of Your care.

Lord, I pray that every person living in poverty will find the strength to overcome all problems, and that thanks to Your blessing he will be able to change his life and find a solution. Help, Lord, that I myself may be the instrument of Your Mercy, that I never refuse to help, to share what I have. I open my heart for the true Good and I am  ready to show it to all my neighbors. Please allow me to serve You by serving my brothers and sisters in need. Amen.